Office Organization Tips
10 Office Organization Tips To Boost Productivity

Reduce and recycle
Go through drawers and get rid of paperwork and supplies you never use. Recycle paperwork and give unused supplies to coworkers or donate them to your community’s schools. If you’re never going to use these things, they’re just taking up valuable space.Keep supplies stocked
Ninety-four percent of office workers are less productive when they don’t have all the supplies they need to work. Order necessary supplies like Post-it Notes, flags, tabs, daily planners, professional notebooks and pens. Then, put colored flags on the calendar to mark when you need to re-order supplies so you’re never without the necessities.Rethink your desktop
A clean desktop is essential to productivity, however many people are guilty of having their desk covered with unnecessary items. If you don’t use it weekly, find another place for it. That means unused folders, staplers, tape dispensers, and the like can go in a drawer.An office supply staple
Despite the rise of the digital office, Post-it Notes are still an office staple. On average, office workers use 30 Post-it Notes per week. Keep these handy note pads close by so you can easily use them to mark paperwork or write your coworker a note of encouragement.Corral pens
Pens and other office extras like scissors, letter openers and highlighters look tidy when placed in a jar on your desk. A big jar can hold everything or use smaller jars to sort each item into its own container. Clear glass jars makes it easy to see what’s inside.Think vertically
If you’re short on desktop space, think vertically. Walls provide ample opportunity for unique storage. One stylish and affordable option is to cut a peg board and place it in an open frame. This eye-catching wall hanging allows for easy access to office essentials.Write it down
Sixty-two percent of office workers prefer to manage their to-do list on a piece of paper rather than a computer or
Don’t sweat the small stuff
At a loss for how to organize paper clips, tacks and other small office items? Small tins are a great way to sort and store these office odds and ends. Place them in drawers so they are out of sight.Systemize folders
Tackle that pile of folders in the corner and create a simple organizational system using Post-it Tabs. Color code the folders based on your work responsibilities so each tab color is tied to a specific task or status of a project.Cut cord chaos
Are you always digging under your desk for the right cord? Black binder clips typically used to hold paperwork together are also great for organizing USB, cell phone chargers and other cables. Clip to the side of your desk and thread the chord through the metal to eliminate tangles. Want more office organization tips? Visit Post-it. com/officeo rg to tidy up and streamline productivity fast. Survey details: The 3M Post-it Brand Office Organization survey was conducted by Wakefield Research ( among 1,000 full-time U.S. office workers in 2015, using an email invitation and an online survey.To Get The Most Comprehensive Home Inspection In the Dallas Area, Give Us A Call Today (972) 652-0360 or Click Here To Schedule Online Now!

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